Mosquito Creek Watershed
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Watershed Profile
Fish Counts
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Storm Water
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Watershed Condition
Reference Material
Fish Access Mosquito


Some projects are done for specific reasons.
The information collected is not always readily available because it may be very technical or may have been privately commissioned. However, most information does becomes public at some time.


Fish Ladder Inspection and Maintenance Project
---- main stream
Mosquito Creek Stewardship Society
1998 - current

Fish Ladder Maintenance
Clearing excess bedload from fish ladder
Bedload depth, water level, water depth, presence of fish, debris, litter.
Mosquito Creek

The Mosquito Creek fish ladder was installed at the GVRD weir in September 1996.
Under an agreement with the GVRD, the ladder is inspected on a regular basis to evaluate conditions and fish access. Debris and bedload are cleared as needed.
Fish Ladder Data Collection Project
---- main stream
Mosquito Creek Stewardship Society
May 1998 to May 1999

Fish Ladder Extension
The fish ladder extension.
Bedload depth, water level, water depth, air and water temperature, weather, time of day, presence of fish, wildlife, debris, litter.
Mosquito Creek

The Mosquito Creek fish ladder was installed at the GVRD weir in September 1996.
Under an agreement with the GVRD, data was collected at least once a week for one year (54 visits) to evaluate fish access and stream conditions. Findings were used to determine ways to improve ladder function.
An extension wall was added to the instream side of the ladder as a result.