Mosquito Creek Watershed
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Watershed Profile
Fish Access
Fish Habitat
Spawner Surveys
Fisheries Resource
In the past, streams were straightened, diverted and channelized.
Wetlands were drained and large areas of forest removed.
Some of the changes were necessary for the type of urban development begun at that time.
Today, we would probably do things differently. Today we have to deal with what we have.
Some things can be restored or changed through small projects, while others require expertise, large budgets and a lot of cooperation.
Whatever the project, it must be preceded by consultation and assessment - gathering the facts in order to make the best decision.
Cooperation ensures the best use of people and money, and avoids duplication of efforts.
Nowadays, projects which involve stream habitat are carried out in consultation with Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Habitat Enhancement Branch (HEB) and B.C.'s Ministry of Environment.
Several projects to restore fish habitat in the Mosquito Creek watershed were completed from 1996 to 2003.