Mosquito Creek Watershed
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Field work, data collection and monitoring give information about current conditions. Research also tells us something about the past.
The more we know, the more successful our restoration projects, or habitat protection, or management efforts will be.
The information gathered usually becomes available as written reports.
Reports done by local or senior government can be seen at government offices, archives, or websites.
Independent reports may not be easily available, but some can be found in library reference departments or in government archives. Sometimes the information is submitted to and included in larger databases.
At times, it may seem logical to just go ahead and do something. The solution may look simple. But without a good understanding about the problem, more harm than good can be done.
One example is the removal of debris from a stream.
Natural woody debris is part of a stream's foodchain and should be left alone.
Man-made objects can stay as temporary habitat - if there is no ongoing contamination and the object has been there for some time or is partially buried, and if there is little natural instream cover.
Debris can protect fish from predators, and create refuge pools.
Removing it can stir up sediment which, at the wrong time of year, can smother fish or fish eggs.
Imbedded tires, pieces of plywood, or shopping carts may not look attractive but, as long as they are not blocking fish passage, they can serve a purpose for the short term.
A study of the stream in question will determine where woody debris or boulders should be placed to improve habitat - without causing other problems, such as erosion.