Fish can access Mosquito Creek from its mouth at Burrard Inlet up to Queens Road. From that point, upstream access is permanently blocked by the Queens Road culvert.
Below Marine Drive, the GVRD sewer line weir crosses the stream bed, but fish passage is not blocked by it because a fish ladder was constructed.
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Fish Ladder Project ---- main stream
Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD)
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The GVRD weir, which supports the sanitary sewer line, was fish passable prior to being repaired in 1996.
When the repair work was done, large instream boulders were rearranged to add additional support to the weir. The changes eliminated an existing series of jump pools among the boulders which allowed fish to pass over the top.
Access was re-established by building the fish ladder.
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A year long Data Collection Project was carried out at the ladder in 1998-99 to evaluate fish access and bedload variations.
Under an agreement with the GVRD, the Mosquito Creek Stewardship Society inspects and maintains the ladder throughout the year.
Maintenance involves removing fallen branches and leaf litter in the ladder, and clearing excess gravel which builds up over time, in order to keep the ladder fish passable.
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Fish Ladder - Normal Conditions

Fish Ladder - with Gravel Deposits