ursus americanus
Black bears on the North Shore are members of the bear family Ursidae which includes grizzlies ursus arctos.
Close encounters with people usually occur in or close to the bear's natural habitat - ravines, stream corridors, mountain slopes.
Residents near these areas should keep their properties unattractive to bears to avoid conflict.
The best way to avoid attracting bears is to eliminate all food smells and food sources on your property.
| If you see a bear in a residential area - stay calm. It is probably just passing through and if no food is nearby, will soon move on.
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| Keep well away from the bear. Give it lots of room, don't crowd it and don't block its way out. Warn others to keep away. Take your children and pets indoors.
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| If you see a cub, the mother will probably be close by. Cubs are curious and may approach you or explore your property. Stay well back. Do not entice it.
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| Do NOT throw rocks or any other objects at the bear.
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| If you have stayed quiet, not harassed the bear and have no food available, the bear has no reason to stay. It may hang around for awhile, but will eventually leave.
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| If the bear appears to be threatening, then call the Conservation Officer or the RCMP.
Visitors to natural areas such as ravines, stream corridors and forests, should be prepared for close encounters with wildlife.
| Bears will usually avoid humans - but may be a threat if they are accustomed to humans or if they are surprised, or forced to defend themselves.
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| Hikers can make their presence known by making some sound as they walk - talking or wearing a small bell.
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| If a bear appears on or beside the trail ahead, stop and back away slowly. Never run. Stay calm. Talk calmly.
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| Running may trigger a bear's predator instincts and it may give chase.
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| A bear can run much faster than a person, faster than a horse.
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| Do not throw rocks or yell or threaten.
New methods focus on scaring bears away, averting them from residential areas, and reinforcing their natural fear of humans.
| Bear Information Line ---- 604-990-2327 (604-990-BEAR)
Bear aversion, bear-proof garbage disposal, sightings
April to October on the North Shore
Here are some tips to avoid attracting bears
| Keep all types of food or food scraps indoors.
| Do not leave pet or people food outside.
| Double bag food waste to reduce odors.
| Clean garbage cans regularly.
| Store garbage containers inside in a locked shed, garage, or basement.
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| Only put garbage containers outside on collection day.
| Use bear-proof garbage containers.
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| Be aware when composting. Bury food scraps or avoid using them them altogether. Do not put fruit or vegetables in the compost during bear season. Sprinkle compost with lime to reduce the smell.
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| Thoroughly clean grease and food residue from barbeques which are left outside. Wash immediately after use. Store other types of barbeques indoors.
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| Pick fruit off trees as soon as it is ripe and pick windfalls off the ground.
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| Do not fill your bird feeder during bear season (from April to November) unless it is well out of reach of bears.
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