Mosquito Creek Watershed
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Watershed Profile
Watershed Profile
Watershed Issues
Stream Channel
Water Condition
Fisheries Resource
Fish and Wildlife
Land Use
Old Growth Forest
Key Contacts
Reference Material
Fish Habitat Restoration


Indigenous Mammals - deer, black bear, coyote, otter, raccoon, skunk
Birds - eagle, hawk, owl, songbirds, heron, kingfisher, hummingbird
Amphibian - frog, salamander
Fish - coho, chinook, steelhead, cutthroat, sculpin - d/s Queens Road
cutthroat - u/s Queens Road
Non-Native squirrels, rats


Upper Watershed Coastal forest:
Interrupted by access road (1926), old logging road (1970) and cutblocks (1950's, 1960's, and 1970).
Selective logging for fir and cedar pre-1930.
Mid Watershed Second growth forest along stream corridor:
Linear. Widest in and along ravines. A few small wetland areas.
Loss of riparian due to trails all along stream bank.
Interrupted by Highway 1 and other bridges. Outside of ravines, urban development (residential land use) dominant.
Some buildings are located inside riparian buffer zone and at top of bank, with mostly non-native trees and vegetation on properties.
Floodplain/Estuary No estuary.
Vegetation limited to edge of stream and top of bank d/s Marine Drive. Sparse vegetation along riprap banks d/s railway to mouth. Small patch of lawn and trees at Bewicke Park at mouth.
At top of bank and above, industrial and commercial land use dominant. Marinas at creek mouth.


Migratory North-South along creek corridor.
East-West along lanes and residential properties between Mosquito Creek and adjacent creeks and watersheds (Thain, Mission, Wagg, MacKay) in lower 2/3 of watershed.