| Protect storm drains
Concrete runoff, paint and chemical cleaners are toxic to stream organisms and fish. Silt and sediment can kill fish, smother fish eggs and aquatic organisms.
Use barriers to block runoff during construction.
Never wash down concrete trucks near a storm drain or stream. Never rinse brushes or tools in a stream.
| Protect trees
Place temporary fencing around each tree, preferably out to the drip line, to prevent damage to the trunk and to avoid soil compaction around the tree roots.
Keep contaminants, such as concrete wash water and chemicals, away.
| Choose smaller footprints for buildings
Smaller building footprints can mean more permeable land, which is good. The percentage of permeable (water retaining) ground in a watershed relates to water flows in the stream.
Permeable land absorbs and stores rain water for gradual release to the stream, while non-permeable land flushes rain water quickly along the surface and into storm drains, causing high "flashy" water levels in the creeks. At the same time, water which would normally be held in reserve is lost.
| Use permeable surfaces for drives and walks
Permeable pavement or ground surface materials reduce runoff and increase infiltration. This helps refresh the groundwater reserves which feed into our streams.
| Landscape using native plants
Indigenous plants support local wildlife, require less water and less care.
| Preserve and plant trees
Trees filter out pollutants, cool and oxygenate the air, buffer winds, stabilize soil, feed and shelter wildife.
Plant native species for low maintenance and habitat enhancement.
| Consult government agencies in advance
Avoid damage to streams, water quality, and vegetation.
It is not possible to develop private property without crossing over public property - most of which is protected through various laws and bylaws.
Municipal governments require permits for land use or development changes.
Any project which has an impact on fish bearing streams requires prior approval from BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection (WLAP) and/or Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Government agencies provide information about permit processes.