Mosquito Creek Watershed
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Mark storm drains with the yellow fish symbol
The yellow fish is a reminder that drains lead to streams.
Paint kits can be borrowed from the Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre.
Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre ---- 604-990-3755
Pick up litter in natural areas, and along stream banks
This can be done anytime, and helps keep litter and debris out of streams.
Help a stewardship group
VOLUNTEER for single work days or take on a longer term project in research, field work, education, or advocacy.
Ask governments to set a good example too
Small habitat areas are often unprotected or overlooked.
All land use changes have an impact beyond the immediate area.
Land management, depending on the land's use, is assigned to different government departments - which means that, today, overall watershed planning and management requires cooperation between diverse interests.
Development services, park management, environment protection, public recreation, infrastructure, utilities and transportation - all have an impact on habitat areas, water quality, and watershed function.
Monitor government activities, review proposals, support existing legislation which protects the environment and habitat areas, lobby for new or improved policies.
Storm Drain Yellow Fish

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