The Mosquito Creek Stewardship Society presents Certificates of Appreciation to honour individuals.
Recipients are recognized for volunteer work and achievements which contribute to protection and restoration of the Mosquito Creek Watershed.


Kitty Castle
Spawner Surveys, Stream Mapping and Watershed Research
Fernando Junqueira, PhD
Mission Creek Site Evaluation and Report
Lower Mission Creek Watershed Status Survey 2002
Ron Polly
Conservation Advocacy
Habitat protection over the last decade.


Robin Blues
Fish Ladder Maintenance
Taking care of the ladder weekly from late 2002 through 2006.
David L. Cook
Old Growth Forest Preservation
Documenting species in the old growth forest areas of the Mosquito Creek watershed, and working for old growth protection for several years.
Graham Milne
Stream Habitat Conservation
Helping with spawner surveys, stream mapping, and habitat conservation projects since 1995. Fish ladder maintenance weekly from 1996 through 2002.

Many individuals contribute time, expertise and personal resources to help preserve our natural heritage and assure its long term future.