Mosquito Creek Watershed
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  • waders
    High waterproof footwear which covers the legs. Hip waders cover the legs, but not the torso. Chest waders cover the legs and the torso up to the armpits.

  • watershed
    All the land area that drains into a particular body of water or water channel.

  • WBT
    "Wild Bird Trust". A non-profit group based in North Vancouver.

  • wetlands
    (1) Areas of permanent or temporary standing water. Usually containing vegetation distinct from freely drained areas.
    (2) Swamps, marshes, bogs.

  • wild salmon
    Salmon produced by natural spawning in fish habitat from parents that were spawned and reared in natural fish habitat.

  • WLAP
    Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (current). Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (former). A government ministry in the province of B.C.


  • xeriscape
    A landscape designed for water conservation, using drought tolerant plants.