- Naturescape
A program to support landscaping and gardening using indigenous plants to create habitat for wildlife in urban areas.
- no net loss
A working principle which strives to balance unavoidable habitat losses through avoidance, mitigation, and habitat replacement on a project-by-project basis so that further reductions to Canada's fisheries resources due to habitat loss or damage may be prevented. (DFO Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat, 1986)
- non-point source pollution
Pollutants which enter the environment from a broad area.
"Official Community Plan". A municipality's long term vision and plan for land use within that municipality's boundaries. Usually reviewed and adjusted every 5 to 7 years.
- outfall
The discharge end of a pipe or pipe system.
- oviparous
Laying eggs that are fertilized in the water by the sperm discharged by the male.