Active support.
- alevin
An embryonic development stage of salmonids, recently hatched from the egg but not yet absorbed the yolk sac or emerged from the spawning gravel.
- algae
A group of chlorophyll-bearing plants distributed in salt and fresh water, including seaweeds and kelps.
- anadromous fish
(1) Fish which mature in ocean water and spawn in fresh water.
(2) Pacific salmon, sea-run cutthroat trout, steelhead, sea-run dolly varden, oolichans.
- aquatic
Associated with water.
- aquifer
Underground water body.
- bedload
Stream-transported material, such as sediment and rocks.
- benthic
Living in or on the bottom sediment of a body of water.
- berm
Material, usually soil, which has been built up or shaped into a mound.
"Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Program"
- biodiversity
The variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes of which they are a part. This includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.
"Best Management Practices".