April 2003
This is the east bank of Mosquito Creek, north of Marine Drive to Larson road.
In April 2003, neighbourhood residents and Grade 9 students, from St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, planted native plants here. The plants were rescued from a construction site at the Seymour Conservation Area.
The Evergreen Foundation and the City of North Vancouver organized the project and prepared the stream banks for planting ahead of time.
![Lane Before](photo_lanebefore.jpg)
BEFORE (above):
Looking north before the site was prepared.
DURING (right):
Same view, with the soil prepared for planting.
![Lane Soil 2003](photo_lanesoil.jpg)
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![Swale Before](photo_swalebefore.jpg)
BEFORE (above):
A small drainage ditch allowed road run-off to flow directly into the creek.
DURING (right):
The ditch was redesigned and turned into a small boggy swale to hold back runoff and filter out pollutants.
(rock lined trench )
![Swale After](photo_swaleafter.jpg)
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